
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Education: An idea machine

I consider myself lucky that my parents provided me with an opportunity to study at world class institutions. This definitely has been a blessing for me and I have been able to think better.Sometimes I wonder that constructive thinking is also a gift of education or may be a gift from GOD. It is of utmost importance that all of us who fall into this category utlize our education to generate ideas to make our country a better place.

While I was studying in a US B-School I realized that a lot of emphasis is given on the process of generating ideas and it was highly appreciated. Having been through the Indian education system it was a novel approach of thinking. Unlike the Indian counterparts , the educational institutions in the US are looked upon as places for generating ideas for improving the existing processes, generating new technologies and challenging existing business models.

The process of generating ideas should start at home.It is very important to propogate encouraging thoughts in growing children and university students that the idea in their mind could be the next big thing on this earth. We have to construct a framework to develop this thinking for our own future growth. India as a country has a huge growth poential but the only inhibition is the attitude of people. A competent thought process and an encouraging response with sound backup of financial resources will provide visionaries and thinkers to create new products specific to the Indian Market.

Universities are a good breeding ground for entrepreneurship and students should be provided with resources to give their idea a preliminary shape. A lot depends on the encouraging attitude of the professors to give constructive feedback and assist in the development of the students. India has a good educational framework and by instigating the students to learn problem solving skills, universities will provide students a tool which they can carry for the whole of lifetime.
Creative strategic thinking plays a key role in development of new products. It has been evident from business history that most of the products in popular use today have been created as a solution to a specific problem in hand.To overcome that anomaly people have created a new product which will help reverse the problem and will provide a creative solution to it. This happens only when the person is always on a look out for better ways of doing things. Kaizen could be a japanese word but it has to be brought in everyday life and propagate continuous improvement philosophy.

We , the educated folks should take the opportunity to encourage creativity and innovativeness by always looking for continuous improvements and trying different approaches. The aim of innovation is to improve the life of the people around you by challenging the status quo. With an innovative approach you can as well improve the life of a broader set of people. So go ahead and dont kill the next big idea in your mind. Just do it.

The author is an alumnus of IMT, Ghaziabad and is currently a student of Information Systems Management at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah , USA


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