
Monday, November 15, 2004

The Art of Planning

Imagine a football field with no goal posts and two teams all set to play against each other. Is goal important? Now imagine the same field with two goal posts at opposite ends and no teams on the field. Is a team important? Take a different scenario with both goal posts and team present on the field with the teams having no plan in place. Is planning important? The final scenario is when all the three elements: a goal, a plan and a team are present but there is no set of rules. Is rule an important element?

Once we have all the four critical elements in place we can have an enjoyable football game. Life is also a game as you take decisions about what you are doing with your life every minute. From Newton to Einstein to Hawking each of us have 24 hrs a day; still we have only a few Bill Gates or Scott McNealy or Steve Jobs. Most of the people blame it on the opportunities, some other call it luck and a few others call it destiny. It’s a different word for describing the same phenomenon. The end result is that they could do great things if they try to make the best use of their time.

The concept of planning could be mapped to both your professional and personal life. Organizations around the world preach that employees should have a work life balance. However in all the cases it is the responsibility of the individual to create that critical balance. Utilizing the four elements mentioned above, it provides an opportunity to the individual to see things they have never seen, to think clearly , to do constructive thinking and to get more out of life. This all comes with good planning. Planning is an art and its personal , its not hereditary , it can be learned and everyone can do it.
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